Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SNAP Wireless LAN I/O

SNAP Wireless LAN I/O™ extends your SNAP Ethernet I/O™ network to areas where it is impossible or uneconomical to run network wiring. Mobile machines and equipment, as well as equipment on the manufacturing floor, in warehouses, and in storage yards, for example, can now be monitored and controlled together with equipment on the wired network or in a separate wireless network.
Used with the same Opto 22 SNAP mounting racks and SNAP I/O™ modules as wired SNAP Ethernet brains, these wireless LAN processors provide a powerful and sophisticated communications and I/O handling system. SNAP wireless LAN brain functions are identical to their analog/digital/serial wired counterparts. The wireless LAN brain also supports the same comprehensive event/reactions and multiple, simultaneous communication options as the SNAP Ethernet brain.
The following diagram shows a network example using both wired SNAP Ethernet I/O and SNAP Wireless LAN I/O. Data from both wired and wireless I/O systems is available to all authorized users on the network for monitoring or control.

SNAP-IT Wireless LAN units are used with Symbol Technologies Spectrum24® access points (APs). An AP acts as a wireless LAN hub to connect wireless devices to each other and to a wired Ethernet network. APs, power supplies and cords, documentation, and a general-purpose antenna can be purchased through Opto 22.
SNAP Wireless LAN I/O can also be used in a completely wireless network, as shown below. A Spectrum24 access point can provide the basis for this wireless network. Wireless devices used with the network, such as wireless laptops, must be equipped with a wireless PC card compatible with the access point. These PC cards and documentation are also available through Opto 22.

For some uses a direct connection between one wireless computer and one SNAP Wireless LAN system may be sufficient. In this case a separate access point is not needed; the wireless PC card in the computer can be set to act as an access point.

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