Saturday, July 2, 2011

More letters to beleaguered RIM as employees rally alongside anonymous exec

Friday, July 1, 2011 · 3:33 pm · 18 Comments

“BGR published an open letter to Research In Motion yesterday from an anonymous high-level RIM executive who begged for senior management to take notice of all of the issues within RIM,” Jonathan S. Geller reports for BGR.

“The exec explained how the company should make some changes to focus on the talent and potential within RIM, and also to focus on end users instead of carriers,” Geller reports. “After we published the article, RIM responded. It wasn’t pretty, and it really didn’t address a single point that was made by the original plea. It wasn’t just RIM that responded, however — we received dozens of emails from current and former RIM employees detailing their stories, and essentially all agreeing with the open letter that was published on BGR.”

Geller reports, “Among the correspondence were several new “open letters” written by RIM employees, and the BGR team has gone through them at length. There were nearly a dozen gems amid the emails we received, and while we may address various highlights in the coming weeks, we can’t publish them all at this time. We thank each and every person who took the time to email us with their thoughts, but there were two in particular that stood out from the crowd. One is from a former RIM employee and the other is from a current employee, and both sources have been vetted”

Read the full, unedited letters here.

MacDailyNews Take: Besmirch In Action.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader "Dan K." for the heads up.]

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View the original article here

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