Monday, November 14, 2011

Japan-Relief Contributions From Verizon Foundation and Company Employees Top $800,000

NEW YORK – April 5, 2011 –

The Verizon Foundation and Verizon employees have pledged more than $800,000 to support earthquake-tsunami relief efforts in Japan.

The donations were raised through the Verizon employee disaster-relief matching-gift program. Under the program, the Verizon Foundation will match employee donations dollar for dollar, up to $1,000 per employee, to three nonprofit organizations - American Red Cross, Save the Children and World Vision - that are providing aid in Japan.

"Verizon employees have a strong tradition of mobilizing quickly to assist communities in need," said Verizon Foundation President Rose Kirk. "We are proud to join the thousands of Verizon employees and customers who have offered support for the people of Japan during the long recovery process."

The employee matching-gift campaign is part of Verizon's overall efforts to assist relief efforts in Japan.

Verizon Wireless has made it easy for customers to support relief efforts in Japan by implementing a mobile-giving program to give customers a secure and quick way to contribute to charitable organizations.  Customers can make a $10 donation by simply sending a text message and may choose from among 10 organizations aiding those in need in Japan. 

To help its customers contact loved ones in Japan, Verizon has enabled most wireless and residential customers to make free calls to that country through April 10. In addition, Verizon Wireless post-paid customers in the U.S. will receive free text and multimedia messaging to Japan, also through April 10.

Verizon Wireless also produced a public service announcement featuring leading Asian-American actors who donated their time for the filming.  The announcement encourages donations to further the relief efforts and has run on FiOS, V CAST and Verizon's online sites.  To view the announcement, see a list of relief organizations accepting donation pledges for Japan through text messaging, and learn of the company's other relief efforts, visit 

The Verizon Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Verizon, uses its technology, financial resources and partnerships to address critical social issues, with a focus on education and domestic violence prevention. In 2010, the foundation awarded nearly $67 million to nonprofit agencies in the U.S. and abroad. Through Verizon Volunteers, one of the nation's largest employee volunteer programs, Verizon employees and retirees have volunteered nearly 6 million hours of community service since 2000. For more information on the foundation, visit

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, NASDAQ:VZ), headquartered in New York, is a global leader in delivering broadband and other wireless and wireline communications services to mass market, business, government and wholesale customers.  Verizon Wireless operates America's most reliable wireless network, serving 94.1 million customers nationwide.  Verizon also provides converged communications, information and entertainment services over America's most advanced fiber-optic network, and delivers innovative, seamless business solutions to customers around the world.  A Dow 30 company, Verizon employs a diverse workforce of more than 194,000 and last year generated consolidated revenues of $106.6 billion.  For more information, visit


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