Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Can You Do with MiFi Mobile Hotspot

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Tired of search for Wi-Fi connection while traveling? Although many hotels or cafe offer Wi-Fi service - either free or prepaid you will still have to look for them and sit in a public area to connect your laptops or other Wi-Fi devices. If you are traveling via train or bus chances are there won’t be any Wi-Fi service at all. The best solution, if you want to stay connected to the Internet and office network is to purchase a personal MiFi hotspot. It basically works like a Wi-Fi connection point and you can bring it with you anywhere that have 3G or 4G wireless network signs. What can you really do with the MiFi Mobile Hotspot? The best feature is mobility. As long as you are in the carrier’s coverage map you will have Internet connection. Sometimes data roaming is also available. And you are not restricted to one location. And you are allowed to connect 5 Wi-Fi devices are the same time. Is it more convenient than a laptop connection card? Absolutely. Given the fact that an USB mobile broadband card costs about the same you will get a lot more than you pay for when you choose a MiFi personal hotspot.

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